Mission: Reindeer Rescue

When I first came to Isortoq station, I had no idea what to expect. I’d just skied across the Greenland ice cap, and after spending a month exploring the country’s vast interior, I wanted to see another side of Greenland. So, I’d responded to an advert: volunteers wanted for a reindeer station in south Greenland, tasks will be varied, location remote.

I certainly had no idea that I’d end up rescuing reindeer, learning to smoke fish, repair fences, and rewire cabin electrics. I also had no idea that this trip would lead me to set up Wild Greenland with Stefan and change the course of my life. Rather than be my final stop in Greenland, it would be the first of many more trips to Isortoq and lead to me becoming a qualified glacier guide, company founder, semi-competent fish filleter and Greenland obsessor.

I’m sure I’ll write much more about my trips and thoughts on Greenland, but for now please enjoy this video, from my first few days at Isortoq, of Stefan and Freyja rescuing some reindeer. It’s shot on my phone whilst running around, hence the wobbly footage.

Stay wild,
